Stepping Stone, Inc. is a residential transitional living facility for adolescent and young adult males, ages 16-21. All youth must be in the custody of the WV Department of Health and Human Resources.  We assist youth in navigating their next step in life, particularly by forming permanent supportive networks that will help them pursue further education, vocation, and stable housing.

Our residents are given a chance to build a better future for themselves through developing a positive self-image, learning life skills, and focusing on academic achievement. Residents have the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities and to be involved in activities within our local community.

At Stepping Stone, Inc., our mission is "to teach adolescent males to be positively self-reliant through behavior modification that fosters a positive self-image, academic skills, vocational skills, respect for society, and personal responsibility.” 

Feel free to browse through our website for more information about our program, as well as information about how you can get involved. Thank you!